
Donna / 28 anni / Ariete

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LingueInglese, Russo
Dimensione del bustoPiccolo
La dimensione del culoMedio
Colore dei capelliBionde
Colore degli occhiVerdi

Su di me

Hi! I'm an ordinary girl (but I also really like being unusual for someone). I love warmth, pets, listening to music, massage and red sweets =) I also really like it when someone reads this =)

Mi piace

*Новые и захватывающие сексуальные впечатления и фантазии *Уверенность и мужественность *Поцелуи *Романтическая обстановка и внимание к деталям

Di più...

*New and exciting sexual experiences and fantasies *Confidence and masculinity *Kissing *Romantic setting and attention to detail

Non mi piace

* Lack of respect and consideration * Aggressive or domineering behavior. * Dishonesty and lying. * Greed, stinginess, and lack of generosity. * Intolerance and disrespect for a woman's feelings and opinions.

Di più...

* Отсутствие уважения и предупредительности * Агрессивное или властное поведение. * Нечестность и ложь. * Жадность, скупость и отсутствие великодушия. * Нетерпимость и неуважение к чувствам и мнениям женщины.

* Lack of respect and consideration * Aggressive or domineering behavior. * Dishonesty, lying, and dishonesty. * Greed, stinginess, and lack of generosity. * Intolerance and disrespect for a woman's feelings and opinions.

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